Thursday 22 March 2012

One whole week :)  Feeling really pleased with myself today, only having one champix in the morning so I don't feel sick at night so I feel like i'm doing some of it with pure will power - which is a miracle for me. I'm usually like a crazy women when I try to give up!
Well if I can do one week I can do another 51 weeks then i've done a year & keep going...
I've saved £54.41 in one week & would have smoked 177 cigarettes - shocking but true!
Day 6, much better than yesterday - I only took one champix today so didn't feel sick tonight. Only problem was that I had more cravings but nothing I couldn't deal with so overall quite a good day - I even had a glass of wine!! :)

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 5, bloody awful - not because I wanted a cigarette just because I've felt sick all day & night :(  Then just before I went to bed I was sick, it's really annoying me now because i'm focusing on feeling sick more than giving up but it's not a good distraction grrrr!
I am still taking the champix but i'm thinking of only taking one tomorrow if I still feel like this.
Proud of my 5 days though :)

Monday 19 March 2012

Day 4, it's Mothers day today & I saw 2 of my 4 children - must admit this was my worse day up to now :(  I found myself getting agitated a lot & felt like I was going to cry a couple of times...
Other times i've tried to quit, I just caved in at times like this but i'm not giving in this time - in a way it's taught me that non-smokers have stress too & they manage to get through it so I can too :)

Sunday 18 March 2012

Day 3, I was dreading today because in the past day 3 has always been a bleeder! So I was surprised that today wasn't too bad at all :) I've been avoiding people up to now but went to see my mum today then met up with a friend & went out for something to eat - she even went outside for a cigarette & I was ok & I risked a glass of wine with my meal & was ok!
Don't feel as sick today either so quite pleased with myself - 3 days & i've not killed anyone or had a breakdown...  Here's to day 4 :)

Friday 16 March 2012

Day 2,  the champix is working - I really haven't wanted to smoke which is great...   The down side is, I've felt sick most of the day, really tired with almost no energy (or at least that's how it feels!) I've been a bit grumpy too, even though I don't have any cravings for a cigarette (strange) Too be honest I think I'd feel happier if I was just left alone, I know that sounds bad but at the moment I can cope better if I'm not around other people.
Let's hope I'm not going insane eh'!!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Day One

Really not as bad as the other times I've tried to quit :)  I think it's the habit of smoking I'm finding the hardest...  When the phone rings, after meals, having a coffee grrrrrr bloody nicotine has been in my life for so many years it's all I  know!!

But, there is no way I'm giving in - if I can go 24 hours then I can go forever :)